Since I saw these on Bakerella, I have been completely fascinated and really wanted to try them out. Oreo truffles. They seemed kind of yuck, but who doesn't love Oreos? So I had a few of my fellow dietitian/foodie friends come over and help me out. Becuase what's better than a bunch of dietitians eating quality food like Oreos?

Good Old, regular Oreos. Yum.

I went with the Fat Free, which, for the record, I usually don't do just on principle. However, by using the FF cream cheese, I cut the calories down by 460. Not bad.

I really wanted to spice these up a bit by putting a center in them. I didn't know how to do it using actual ingredients, and since I was already using Oreo cookies for the truffle part for crying out loud, why not just use another pre-made product. So, I used both Junior Mints and Junior Caramels. Just tucked one or the other inside each truffle.

Mixed, and mixed, and mixed the Oreos and cream cheese...It really looked kind of gross in this form. I almost threw it all away at this point. That was an entire package of cookies!

I wanted plenty of minty goodness inside, so I put two Jr. Mints in each one. That ended up being a good move.

I had read that it was important to use good coating chocolate instead of chocolate chips. I obeyed.

I did a few with white chocolate, just to mix it up a bit.

My partners in crime.

This terrible picture was meant to show the inside of a truffle with caramel. It was delicious.
In fact, they were all delicious. I am so surprised. Definitely rich, so it is important to make them small. But all very good. By far, the mint-filled truffles were the winners.
Also, Kim brought the ingredients for Ghirardelli truffles, with almonds and coconut. They were outstanding, but if you can believe it, the Oreo truffles filled with Jr. Mints were the favorite. Almost doesn't seem right.

All in all, it was a successful cooking adventure.