As I sit here in bed with the worst stomach flu of all time, I decided it was the perfect time to get these pics of my trip to see my Sister Katherine and her family in Austin, TX posted.
I know I keep saying this after every new city I visit, but I am really serious this time: I want to live in Austin. It is the coolest city!! Here are a few highlights of my trip:

Hanging out with these little monkeys, S and V.
We rode the Zilker Zephyr in Zilker Park.

Canoeing on Town Lake. Downtown Austin is in the background.

Of course we made a trip to the ENORMOUS and beautiful Chi O house on UT campus.

Mmm... Dublin Dr. Pepper. Even now when you couldn't pay me to eat anything, I would drink a Dublin Dr. Pepper. It is made with Imperial sugar cane. No HFCS, aspertame, etc. Just delicious Texas sugar. And Austin is the only place to get it. On second thought, it's probably a good thing I don't live there.

We went swinging at Zilker Park. The weather was freakishly good - like 85 degrees and sunny every day. It felt so nice!

K, Rudy's BBQ... can I get an Amen? It is indescribable unless you been there.
Go. Eat. Enjoy. You won't be disappointed.
A major highlight of the trip was that one of my best friends in the world drove down to Austin from Dallas to hang out for a day. It had been a year since we were in the same vicinity, let alone the same state. Spending 24 hours together chatting, giggling, and staying up WAY too late was amazing. Thanks again, Kara, for making the trek with little Gracie in tow. I loved seeing you!

Gracie, smiling for the camera while eating lunch with V.
She and V are merely a month apart in age. It was very fun.

The ever gorgeous Kara. Love you!
(This is what you get for leaving this little gift on my camera!)

It was a week full of sunshine, laughing, humidity, delicious food, running, Candy Cane JoJo's (pictured above), Friday Night Lights, NCAA basketball, and family. Totally ideal! We had a great time. Thanks, Kath and Trev, for letting me come and stay. It was truly a treat!