Thursday, December 15, 2011


We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!

Thanks to my incredible mother for sewing my dress.

More pictures to come! XOXO

Monday, October 3, 2011


We went to St. George to run the marathon.

Thursday night, he planned a lovely, surprise, steak dinner.

Just as we sat down, he asked me...

Of course, I said YES!


yes, we're on top of the DIXIE rock.

Such a great trip!

As a side note, the marathon went okay. I finished, which was debatable at mile 20. Definitely could have trained a little more. I have never been as sore as I am today. I think the New York marathon next month will be better.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And We're Back...

Hello Blog-o-sphere! I have been gone all summer, but I'm here to give an update on what's been going on. It's been wild and crazy, and the funnest summer I can remember.

First, this is Gavin. He loves ice cream (especially from Mora's on Bainbridge Island, WA) and we've been spending a little bit of time together.

We went to Seattle. He ran the Rock-N-Roll marathon with his mom and brother, and I ran the half. A fun weekend in one of my favorite cities!

Then, after a few camping trips, etc, we took a nice vacation to Newport Beach. It was as lovely as ever.

Balboa bars with butter brickle - maybe the best frozen treat of all time.

We did the Spudman triathlon. And then a week later did the Green River Triathlon.
Both very fun.

Gavin's mom ran her 100th Marathon (Park City Marathon), and we ran it with her. With balloons. And signs. It was great. Technically, I guess it was my first full marathon, but I"m not really counting it. It was more of a training run.

We hiked Mt. Timpanogos. I had never done it. So fun!

And football season started. We went to the USC game 2 weekends ago and spent another weekend in Newport Beach, and then made the trek to Provo for this honey of a game last Saturday. It was amazing.

And that's the long and short of it. Now that fall is coming I'm sad to see summer end. It's been very fun, with one trip after another. Mixed in there, I passed my thesis defense, finished my thesis, and got a job working at the U hospital and Huntsman Cancer Hospital. I'm 8 days away from St. George Marathon, I broke my finger...and I think that's about it. I'll be better about staying updated. I promise.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm IN!

October 1, 2011

First Marathon!

Friday, May 6, 2011


What a lovely day it was!

The others in my program, minus 2...


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The word of the day/week/month: stress.

1. School Stress. I am heading into my last finals week of my life. That's right, last one ever. To help me overcome my lack of motivation, I keep reminding myself that I am one large exam and one large thesis away from my degree.

2. Job Stress. I have to find a real job. A real, full-time, benefitted, 8-5, M-F, grown-up job. Unfortunately, the market is less than fruitful these days, and there aren't a ton of opportunities for dietitians in the state of Utah.

3. Stress fracture. In my tibia. Yep. That's what I get for running on bad shoes through shin splints. This is not an image of my tibia, but it is in about the same place. It is terrible to not be able to run. I had to drop out of a half marathon this weekend, which is a bummer.

I'm not sure how long these take to heal! Anyone have any experience here? I'm already 3 weeks off, and I think it's feeling better, but I don't want to re-injure. Anyone??

Thank goodness for Diet Dr. Pepper to help me make it through the next 14 days...

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter! I have always loved Easter. It's easily one of my favorite holidays. Aside from the real reason we celebrate Easter, it could be because I love the seasonal candy, it could be dying eggs... Regardless, I love it.

As an adult still living in my parents' home, I kind of just assume every year that the Easter Bunny just isn't going to come. And every year, he manages to make it by the house. I end up telling myself that as a 25-year-old (and my brother as a 27-year-old), we've just outgrown him. But mostly I do this in order to prepare myself for the grim Easter morning when I will in fact wake up and there really is no basket waiting for me.
It will be a sad day.
This year, with the help of a very obliging date, I figured I could still indulge my childhood tradition and dye eggs, just in case this is THE year that he forgets the Warner kids. In the end, who doesn't like hard boiled eggs? Deviled eggs, anyone?

Aside from one casualty, I think they turned out pretty great!

However, when I woke up this morning, a little yellow paper was waiting for Dave and me in the kitchen with the familiar handwriting of the E.B., the same handwriting I have seen every Easter for the last 26 years:

Let it be known the the E.B. has a little bit of a sense of humor as well as a knack for rhyming. Over the years, we have saved some of our favorite E.B. notes, and they are hysterical to re-read. I can say that the Bunny's spelling/grammar have improved immensely as the years have gone on.

Anyway, I was pleased to find this waiting for me behind the couch in the living room:

Hooray! I'm not too old for an Easter basket!! I was pretty excited.
Especially when I found this under the jellybeans:

Yum. The best part of Easter, by far. I always get the 3-flavor (chocolate, butter cream and strawberry cream). My sibs prefer carmel and boston butter cream, all of which are delicious. But it's a special treat that only comes once a year.

Thanks, E.B.!!

PS: these little guys came in a special Easter package from my talented sister, Katherine. Thanks for the surprise!! Love love love them!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oh boy...

I am getting really, REALLY excited for this. It may be one of my favorite things about Spring.

Just a couple more days...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


As I sit here in bed with the worst stomach flu of all time, I decided it was the perfect time to get these pics of my trip to see my Sister Katherine and her family in Austin, TX posted.

I know I keep saying this after every new city I visit, but I am really serious this time: I want to live in Austin. It is the coolest city!! Here are a few highlights of my trip:

Hanging out with these little monkeys, S and V.
We rode the Zilker Zephyr in Zilker Park.

Canoeing on Town Lake. Downtown Austin is in the background.

Of course we made a trip to the ENORMOUS and beautiful Chi O house on UT campus.

Mmm... Dublin Dr. Pepper. Even now when you couldn't pay me to eat anything, I would drink a Dublin Dr. Pepper. It is made with Imperial sugar cane. No HFCS, aspertame, etc. Just delicious Texas sugar. And Austin is the only place to get it. On second thought, it's probably a good thing I don't live there.

We went swinging at Zilker Park. The weather was freakishly good - like 85 degrees and sunny every day. It felt so nice!

K, Rudy's BBQ... can I get an Amen? It is indescribable unless you been there.
Go. Eat. Enjoy. You won't be disappointed.

A major highlight of the trip was that one of my best friends in the world drove down to Austin from Dallas to hang out for a day. It had been a year since we were in the same vicinity, let alone the same state. Spending 24 hours together chatting, giggling, and staying up WAY too late was amazing. Thanks again, Kara, for making the trek with little Gracie in tow. I loved seeing you!

Gracie, smiling for the camera while eating lunch with V.
She and V are merely a month apart in age. It was very fun.

The ever gorgeous Kara. Love you!
(This is what you get for leaving this little gift on my camera!)

It was a week full of sunshine, laughing, humidity, delicious food, running, Candy Cane JoJo's (pictured above), Friday Night Lights, NCAA basketball, and family. Totally ideal! We had a great time. Thanks, Kath and Trev, for letting me come and stay. It was truly a treat!

Monday, March 21, 2011


I finally made it out to see the Homer Warner Informatics Center at IMC. It was pretty neat.

Although this doesn't really look like Gramps, it was pretty close and still cool.

Monday, March 7, 2011


The snow was just right for a snowman: thick, heavy, and very packable. My snowman skills are seriously lacking, but he ended up turning out alright.

Mom caught me in the act.

Sure hope the snow at Alta is fluffier than it is down here tonight!