I have a weird thing for bridges and benches. I love them. When I travel, I can't help but find them everywhere possible, take pictures of them, and usually visit them repeatedly if possible. This is especially the case with benches though. There's something so friendly about the thought that a person stumbled on a place so lovely that they felt like a bench must be constructed there so that everyone could stop and gaze on that same spot. Like you've been let in on a great secret.
I have a bench of my own that I frequent. I lovingly refer to it as "my bench." I like to think I am my bench's "only person," but it isn't in the nature of a bench to be exclusive or play favorites. I'm fine with it. It looks out west over the valley and is a short, easy walk from home. I kind of think that everyone should have a bench of their own to visit regularly, think about things, and enjoy being outside.
I walked there today in the snow.
(and took some phone pics along the way)
So much snow fell. All the branches were drooping.

This is my bench. It sits in a quiet place beneath a small tree and nearby a light post.
It is high up on my list of favorite places to exist.

After sitting on the bench for a bit, naturally I decided to make a little snow angel in the untouched snow nearby, dedicated to my Grammy Amy, as per usual.
It all made for a perfect Sunday walk.
Ahh benches. I love them too. Ever thought of leaving a little goodie for another lover of your bench? Wouldn't that make your day to find a little tiny gift waiting for you on your bench?
ReplyDeleteSome people love benches so much that they have a bench instead of a headstone. A bit grim, but kind of peaceful to think about...
Can't wait to sit on a bench with you in just a few weeks. xoxo
P.S. Your angel entrance and exit is flawless. An angel well worthy of Grammy.