On a whim, I bought a plane ticket to New York City during a "one day deal" through Jet Blue. Very spontaneous. Very unlike me.
The trip was amazing.
I was lucky enough to stay with my good friend Rachel Price, and we had a great time catching up and hanging out! I spent quite a bit of time on my own (behind the camera), exploring the city and seeing a few cool places.

Central Park. The colors were all almost gone, but the city was still beautiful.
"It would be a shame to miss New York in the fall..."

MoMA with Rachel.

More Van Gough at the Metropolitan.

Museum of Natural History.
They had the most fantastic gem exhibit including a 31 carat diamond!

Walked the Brooklyn Bridge.

Temple session at the Manhattan Temple.
(The whole session was conducted in Mandarin. Awesome)

Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine -
what an incredible cathedral.
Something I would never have seen if Rachel didn't live just around the corner.

The real drive behind purchasing the tickets to the city was to make a day trip to Philly to see my cousin Stewart play football. I loved the city, but the game was probably the highlight of the entire trip. The best part was being in the stadium and seeing how many fans had the #55 jersey on with Bradley across the back. It was seriously cool, and Stewart had a great game!

Snuck in the Liberty Bell before the game.

I was able to talk some friends into going with me. So fun!

Yep. Also just a couple of blocks from where I stayed.
Not pictured: Magnolia Bakery, Pinkberry, Harry Potter 7 midnight showing, Lunch with my good friend Lizzie (Hinckley) Davis, Trader Joe's (Yes, it deserves being mentioned!), church in Harlem, Christmas Spectacular with the real Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall, and a few other odds and ends.
I love New York, and would love to find a reason to move out there some day.
I'm working on it.