Sunday, May 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I am totally a desert girl... probably because I've always lived in there. From a young age I learned about rattle snakes, saving water, and what the snow pack is. I feel at home when I'm in the desert. I love the dry heat, the sage brush and even the dust. Riding my bike, I get to see a lot of the desert up close. I actually strapped my camera to my bike so I could share some of what I get to enjoy with you. The colors right now are amazing!

The cacti are all in bloom!

These pictures are from my favorite ride through Kayenta, a housing community in the Northwest corner of St. George. My grandmother used to LOVE Kayenta, and now I can totally appreciate why! Because of the way it's designed, I really feel like I'm the only one out there even though I'm in the middle of the neighborhood.
It's definitely a favorite.

Another self-portrait for your viewing pleasure.


  1. Fabulous pictures of cacti--what a beautiful ride. No wonder you love it. xoxo

  2. This makes me really really jealous. I wish I could be there to run along side your bike!



    PS I'm on a vacation from my blogging. I'll post something sooner or later.

  3. I love the desert too. Great pictures.
